Transition to sustainable agriculture and forestry practices
PRUDENT at a glance
March 2024 – February 2028
14 partners
4 Use Cases
6 European countries
PRUDENT aspires to change the way agriculture and forestry systems currently operate and to accelerate the transition to sustainable agriculture and forestry practices and smart farming technologies. The project will identify and evaluate the most effective green nudges that can enable farmers/foresters’ behavioural change to more sustainable agriculture and forestry.
Nudges will be also tested in natural contexts to evaluate the interactive effect of nudges with actual policy changes in the transition to sustainability. Innovative nudging tools will be employed to boost farmers/foresters’ self-regulatory capacity and enhance the durability of nudging effects.
Four different systems, representing major farming and forestry systems in Europe (arable crops [wheat], perennial crops [grapevines, apples, olives], livestock [bovines] and forests [boreal forests]) in various EU regions (Northern, Southern, and Central Europe) will be studied to account for the heterogeneity of farming/forestry systems and contexts in the EU.
PRUDENT will provide a set of social innovations and business models establishing roadmaps for a shift towards sustainable agriculture and forestry and will develop a series of policy recommendations and tools to foster behaviorally informed policy design and implementation.
Identify and Map
Identify and map the range of decision-making factors that affect farmers’ and foresters’ transition to sustainable practices and behaviours.
Test innovative green nudging practices in the context of behavioural experiments.
Design Policy
Design policy recommendations and tools to contribute to the future CAP and the European Green Deal initiatives.
Develop, Innovate & Model
Develop a portfolio of social innovations, innovative forms of cooperation and business models for promoting the adoption of sustainability-oriented innovations.
Build Capacity, Communicate & Disseminate
Build the capacity of stakeholders around green nudges, disseminate, and communicate PRUDENT results to upscale nudging practices.